Posts with the tag “ot-prophecy”

Day 61: March 28
by Ilona Mifflin on March 28th, 2024
Jesus’ trial is just another story about how the powerful and the liars win. Position and influence are more important than truth. The “powers that be” in this account are fueled by self-righteousness, anger, and hatred.  Read More
Day 59: March 26
by Randy Eliason on March 26th, 2024
Jesus used the bread and the cup at the Passover meal as symbols of his death in order to show that he was fulfilling a number of OT passages and events.   Read More
Day 53: March 20
by Ilona Mifflin on March 20th, 2024
The Triumphal Entry has taken place. Jesus has been in the Temple in Jerusalem teaching and healing people. The Sadducees and the Pharisees are doing their best to test Jesus with their questions.   Read More
Day 50: March 17
by Randy Eliason on March 17th, 2024
MATTHEW 21:18-27SCRIPTURE HIGHLIGHTS: Vs 22 - And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Vs 27 - So they answered Jesus, “We do not know.” And he said to them, “Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things. OBSERVATIONS:Jesus was hungry and went over to a fig tree, found no fruit on it and then pronounced a curse on it and the tree died. This is a curious ...  Read More
Day 49: March 16
by Christine Eliason on March 16th, 2024
The first 11 verses of Matthew 21 are called The Triumphal Entry. This event of the life of Christ is one of the few events that are found in all 4 Gospels. So we can conclude that this is a significant event not only to the people who were there but to us today as well.   Read More
Day 33: February 29
by Christine Eliason on February 29th, 2024
You might wonder why Jesus says the mustard seed is the smallest of seeds and the largest of garden plants when there are smaller seeds and larger plants/trees.  Read More
Day 4: January 31
by Ilona Mifflin on January 31st, 2024
Unlike Jesus, John the Baptist suddenly appears with no backstory, no history, no lineage. He has a simple, powerful message: Repent because a divine kingdom is immanent.   Read More
Day 3: January 30
by Randy Eliason on January 30th, 2024
Herod reminds me of how seductive and addictive power can be. Any power or authority God grants us in this life must be handled with care and used to serve God and others.   Read More
Day 2: January 29
by Randy Eliason on January 29th, 2024
The magi made a long journey to honor Jesus even though they had little if any knowledge of the Jewish scriptures and the promises of the Messiah. They possessed limited revelation from God, but believed and acted upon what God revealed.   Read More



Reading Plan : The Gospel of John Reading Plan1. John 1:1-18-Jesus, the Word Made Flesh(The Incarnation)2. John 1:19-28 - John the Baptist: The Forerunner of Christ3. John 1:29-34 Jesus, the Lamb of God Who Takes Away Sin4. John 1:35-51 Jesus Calls His First Disciples5. John 2:1-12 Jesus Turns Water into Wine6. John 2:13-25 Jesus, the True Temple of God7. John 3:1-21 Jesus, the Giver of Eternal Life8. John 3:22-36 Believe in Jesus, Receive Eternal Life9. John 4:1-19 Jesus, the Giver of Living Water10. John 4:20-26 Jesus Teaches True Worship11. John 4:27-42 Jesus Calls Workers for the Harvest of Souls12. John 4:43-54 Jesus Heals an Official’s Son13. John 5:1-18 Jesus Heals at the Pool of Bethesda14. John 5:19-29 Jesus, the Son Who Shares the Father’s Authority15. John 5:30-47 Jesus, The Fulfillment of Scripture16. John 6:1-21 Jesus, the Prophet (Deuteronomy 18:15)17. John 6:22-59 Jesus, the Bread of Life (Exodus 16:4, 14-15)18. John 6:41-71 Jesus, the Source of Eternal Life19. John 7:1-24 Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles20. John 7:25-52 Jesus, the Messiah rejected by the World21. John 8:1-30 Jesus, the Light of the World22. John 8:31-59 Jesus Declares Freedom23. John 9:1-23 Jesus Heals the Man Born Blind24. John 9:24-41 Jesus, the just judge of the world25. John 10:1-21 Jesus, the Good Shepherd and the Door26. John 10:22-42 Jesus, One with the Father27. John 11:1-27 Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life28. John 11:28-44 Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead29. John 11:45-57 The Plot to Kill Jesus



Adultery Anger Apostles Attitudes Authority of Jesus Beatitudes Being a blessing Belief Blessings Blessing Body of Chirst Bridegroom Caesar Call Commitment Compassion Consequences Control Covenant Crucifixion Daniel Death of Jesus Delegated Authority Discernment Disciples Discouragement Divorce Doubt Drawing closer to God Elijah End Times Equality Eternal Life Failure Fairness Faith in Action Faithfulness Faith False Prophets Family of God Fear Forgiveness of Sins Freedom Fruitfulness Genuine Faith God is in control Golden Rule Govenment Grace Great Commission Greatness Healing Helping others Herod Holy Spirit Hope Humility Hyperbole Hypocrisy Incarnation Injustice Innocence of Jesus Introduction to SOAP Jesus the Messiah John the Baptist Jonah Judas Judging Others Judgment of God King Herod Kingdom citizens Kingdom of Heaven Law of Moses Learn Live Share Listening Love Loving others Marriage Mercy Mess Misguided Faith Moses OT Prophecy Obedience Our Legacy Parable Passover Persecution Persistence Peter Pharisees and Sadducees Prayer Priorities Promises of God Questions Reconciliation Redemption Repentance Responsibilities Righteousness Royal Priesthood Sabbath Sacrifice Salt and Light Salvation Second Coming Seeds Servants Service Sign from Heaven Sinners Son of David Son of Man Spiritual warfare Stewardship Storms in life Suffering Servant Suffering Surrender Temptation Testing God The Church Tradition Transfiguration Treasure Tribulation Triumphal Entry True Life Trust Truth Two paths in life Valuing People Wealth Witness Word of God Worry