Biblically Faithful
We strive to teach God’s Word (The Bible) with integrity and to live according to its truth consistently.
(2 Timothy 3:16, Psalm 119:105, 133, Psalm 25:4 – 5)
(2 Timothy 3:16, Psalm 119:105, 133, Psalm 25:4 – 5)

Spiritually Passionate
We strive to love God with all our heart, soul mind and strength; pursuing his presence and his will with every fiber of our being. Our gratefulness to God for saving us from our sin is expressed through passionate praise and worship. (Luke 10:27, James 5:16, and Romans 12:11)

Grace Oriented
We believe in motivating people through love and gratitude toward God rather than through guilt or shame. We strive to give grace to others because of the amazing grace God has granted us. (Galatians 5:22 – 23; John 1:16 – 17; Ephesians 2:4 – 10, 2 Peter 3:18)

Family Affirming
We seek to provide a ministry environment that strengthens marriages and families. We make it a priority to provide biblically faithful Christian instruction for children and youth which is age appropriate, fun and engaging. We also prioritize resourcing parents so they can fulfill their God-given calling to train their children and youth in the faith. (Mark 10:13 – 16, Matthew 19:5, Ephesians 5:21 – 33)
Community Focused
We are committed sharing the good news about Jesus with our community by being good news to our community. We believe the command to love our neighbor applies to the church as well as to the individual Christian. (Matthew 5:16, Galatians 6:10; James 2:26, 3:13, 1 Peter 2:12)

Missionally Motivated
We are motivated by the mission Jesus gave us to make disciples of people from all nations. This motivation inspires us to spread of the gospel around the world, not just in our community. To this end we provide monthly financial support to many missionaries and missions organizations. (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8, Luke 19:10, John 17:18 and John 20:21 – 22)

Developing People
We seek to help people grow spiritually and learn how to be a committed disciples of Jesus, by employing their unique gifts, talents, and resources in service to the mission. We value learning which leads to living. Our goal is not information acquisition but life transformation! (Acts 2:39, 42, Ephesians 4:15–16, and 2 Peter 1:5–11)