Posts with the category “book-of-romans”
Reading Plan : Paul's letter to the Romans
by Jongseung Park on December 1st, 2024
The title for this series is our church mission statement; Our Mission is to Learn, Live and Share the Good News of Jesus. There is no better NT document to turn to than Romans to learn what this good news is, how this good news transforms the way we live, and why this good news creates in us a sense of urgency to share it. Read More
23. Romans 8:12-17 - Walking in the Spirit: Embracing Suffering on the Path to Glory
by Jongseung Park on November 2nd, 2024
In this passage, Paul highlights that believers, saved by God's grace, are no longer obligated to live according to their sinful nature. By putting to death the deeds of the body through the power of the Spirit, they can experience true life. Those who are led by the Spirit are recognized as children of God, not slaves to sin, because they receive the Spirit of adoption.The Holy Spirit affirms the... Read More
22. Romans 8:1-11 - The Work of the Spirit and Christian Freedom
by Jongseung Park on November 1st, 2024
In this passage, Paul emphasizes the freedom believers have through the Holy Spirit, contrasting life “in the flesh” with life “in the Spirit.” Paul explains how, through Christ’s sacrifice and the work of the Spirit, Christians are free from condemnation, empowered to fulfill God’s law, and enabled to live lives that please Him. 1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Chris... Read More
21. Romans 7:14-25 - The Struggle Between Sin and Righteousness
by Jongseung Park on October 31st, 2024
In this passage, Paul vividly describes the internal struggle between spiritual aspirations and the reality of sin that every believer faces. He acknowledges that, although he desires to follow God’s law, he often finds himself doing things he hates instead. This struggle reveals that, even as committed Christians, we wrestle with our sinful nature. This shows that human effort alone cannot conque... Read More
20. Romans 7:7-13 - The Law and Sin
by Jongseung Park on October 16th, 2024
This passage continues Paul’s discussion about the Law and its relationship with sin. He is responding to possible objections that the Law itself might be seen as sinful or responsible for death. Paul emphatically denies this and instead points to the role of sin in distorting and abusing the Law’s purpose. 7 What then shall we say? That the law is sin? By no means! Yet if it had not been for the... Read More
19. Romans 7:1-6 - The Law and Relationship with Christ
by Jongseung Park on October 15th, 2024
In this passage, Paul continues his discussion of the Law and its role in the lives of believers, employing the analogy of marriage to explain how believers are no longer bound by the law, just as a woman is no longer bound to her husband after his death. Just as a woman is freed from her husband upon his death, believers are freed from the law through their union with Christ, who died and rose ag... Read More
18. Romans 6:15-23 - The Results of Sin and the Fruit of Righteousness
by Jongseung Park on October 10th, 2024
In this passage, Paul continues his teaching on sin and grace, following up on the questions that arise when we understand that Christians are no longer under the law but under grace. He addresses the potential misunderstanding that grace gives us permission to continue sinning. He also explains the consequences of being enslaved to sin, which leads to death, versus being enslaved to righteousness... Read More
17. Romans 6:1-14 - Death to Sin and New Life
by Jongseung Park on October 9th, 2024
This passage, Paul addresses issue that the believer’s relationship with sin in light of God's grace. Since God's grace abounds even where sin abounds (as stated in Romans 5:20), the question arises—should we continue sinning so that grace may increase? Paul answers with an emphatic “By no means!” and proceeds to explain the transformation that occurs in a believer's life once they are united wit... Read More
16. Romans 5:18-21 - The Contrast of Sin and Grace
by Jongseung Park on October 7th, 2024
This passage continues the contrast between the consequences of Adam's disobedience and the gift of righteousness through Christ's obedience. Both sin and grace have far-reaching effects: Adam's one act of disobedience brought death and condemnation to all, while Jesus' one act of righteousness brings justification and life. 18 Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one ac... Read More
15. Romans 5:12-17 - The Role of Adam and Christ
by Jongseung Park on October 2nd, 2024
Adam’s disobedience brought sin and death into the world, affecting all people, while Christ’s obedience and sacrifice brought grace, justification, and life. Through this comparison, Paul emphasizes the overwhelming grace of God and the abundance of the gift of salvation. 12 Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because ... Read More
14. Romans 5:6-11 - The Assurance of Salvation Through Christ’s Death
by Jongseung Park on October 1st, 2024
In this passage, Paul highlights the profound nature of God’s love and the certainty of our salvation through Christ’s death and resurrection. He points out that we were utterly powerless and undeserving, yet God took the initiative to send Jesus to die for us. Paul then reinforces the assurance of our salvation: if God went to such great lengths for us when we were still His enemies, we can be e... Read More
13. Romans 5:1-5 - Peace and Hope Through Faith
by Jongseung Park on September 30th, 2024
In this passage, Paul expands on the blessings that flow from being justified by faith. Through faith, we receive peace with God, access to grace, hope in the glory of God, and even the ability to rejoice in suffering. Paul’s teaching emphasizes the deep assurance and joy that comes from our new standing before God, made possible by Jesus Christ. 1 Therefore, since we have been justified by faith... Read More
12. Romans 4:18-25 - Abraham’s Faith and God’s Promise
by Jongseung Park on September 27th, 2024
this passage, Paul continues to expound on the nature of Abraham’s faith and its relevance to the believer. Abraham’s faith in God’s promise, despite overwhelming circumstances, serves as a model for all believers. The same faith that was credited to Abraham as righteousness is now credited to us through faith in Jesus Christ, who was delivered for our sins and raised for our justification. 18 In... Read More
11. Romans 4:9-17 - The Righteousness of Faith and Abraham’s Faith
by Jongseung Park on September 26th, 2024
Paul continues his argument that justification comes by faith and not by the works of the law, using Abraham as a model of faith. He explains that righteousness was credited to Abraham before he was circumcised, making him the father of all who believe—both Jews and Gentiles. Paul further explains that the promises made to Abraham were not given through the law but through the righteousness that c... Read More
10. Romans 4:1-8 - Abraham’s Faith and Justification
by Jongseung Park on September 25th, 2024
In this passage, Paul continues to build on the theme of justification by faith by using Abraham, the forefather of the Jewish people, as an example. He argues that Abraham was not justified by works, but by faith, and that this principle of faith-based righteousness applies to all people. Paul also draws on David’s words to underscore the blessedness of receiving forgiveness and righteousness apa... Read More
9. Romans 3:21-31 - Righteousness Through Faith and the Law’s Role
by Jongseung Park on September 24th, 2024
In Romans 3:21-31, Paul explains how God's righteousness is revealed and how it relates to the law. He emphasizes that righteousness comes through faith in Jesus Christ and is available to all people, regardless of their background or works. This is a foundational passage for understanding the gospel and the role of the law in salvation. 21 But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apa... Read More
8. Romans 3:9-20 - All Under Sin
by Jongseung Park on September 21st, 2024
Paul concludes that both Jews and Gentiles are under the power of sin, and no one is righteous on their own. The law reveals sin but cannot save from it. This sets the stage for Paul’s introduction of justification by faith. 9 What then? Are we Jews any better off? No, not at all. For we have already charged that all, both Jews and Greeks, are under sin, 10 as it is written:“None is righteous, no,... Read More
7. Romans 3:1-8 - The Law and God’s Faithfulness
by Jongseung Park on September 19th, 2024
In Romans 3:1-8, Paul explores the significance of the Jewish people and their unique relationship with God's Law. He emphasizes that they were given the revelations of God, which is a privilege. Despite some Jews being unfaithful, God's faithfulness remains constant. Paul argues that human sinfulness actually showcases God's righteousness, but this does not give anyone a license to sin. He warns ... Read More
6. Romans 2:12-29 - The Law and Its Limitations
by Jongseung Park on September 18th, 2024
In this passage, Paul describes the consequences of humanity's rejection of God. Because people chose to worship created things rather than the Creator, God "gave them up" to their sinful desires. This led to moral and social degradation, with behaviors that dishonored their bodies and indulged in unnatural passions. The text lists specific sins such as greed, envy, murder, deceit, and malice, sho... Read More
5. Romans 2:1-11 - God’s Impartial Judgment
by Jongseung Park on September 17th, 2024
Paul shifts focus to those who might feel morally superior—especially Jewish believers—who are tempted to judge Gentiles for their sinful behaviors. Paul makes it clear that all are subject to God’s judgment. Both Jews and Gentiles are guilty of sin and hypocrisy, as even those who have God’s law (the Jews) are not exempt from judgment. God’s justice is based on truth, and He will judge everyone a... Read More
4. Romans 1:24-32 - Human Sin and Degradation
by Jongseung Park on September 16th, 2024
In this passage, Paul describes the consequences of humanity's rejection of God. Because people chose to worship created things rather than the Creator, God "gave them up" to their sinful desires. This led to moral and social degradation, with behaviors that dishonored their bodies and indulged in unnatural passions. The text lists specific sins such as greed, envy, murder, deceit, and malice, sho... Read More
Understanding the Indictment of Homosexual Conduct in Romans 1:24-28
by Randy Eliason on September 13th, 2024
There are two arguments made to suggest that the words of Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, do not condemn homosexual behavior per se, but only certain types of same sex conduct. Although these arguments are very weak, they warrant a response because many people are being deceived by them.Before I address these two common myths it is important to issue a warning against a mistake that has been ma... Read More
3: Romans 1:18-23 - The Revelation of God’s Wrath and Human Idolatry
by Jongseung Park on September 13th, 2024
Romans 1:18-23 provides a profound insight into the nature of human sin and the response of God’s wrath. 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. 19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power... Read More
The righteous shall live by faith? - Roman 1:17
by Jongseung Park on September 11th, 2024
Romans 1:17 is a pivotal verse in Christian theology, encapsulating the doctrine of justification by faith. The verse reads in ESV version, “The righteous shall live by faith,” but its translation can vary significantly among different versions of the Bible. English Standard Version (ESV): "The righteous shall live by faith." - A footnote indicates that it can also be translated as "the one who b... Read More
2. Romans 1:8-17 - Paul’s Thanksgiving and The Power of the Gospel.
by Jongseung Park on September 11th, 2024
Paul expresses gratitude for the faith of the Roman believers, declares his desire to visit them, and emphasizes that the gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, both Jew and Gentile. 8 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is proclaimed in all the world. 9 For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his So... Read More
1. Romans 1:1-7 - Introduction and the Gospel
by Jongseung Park on September 9th, 2024
In Romans 1:1-7, Paul establishes the foundation of his mission, the identity of Jesus, and the purpose of the gospel. 1 This letter is from Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, chosen by God to be an apostle and sent out to preach his Good News. 2 God promised this Good News long ago through his prophets in the holy Scriptures. 3 The Good News is about his Son. In his earthly life he was born into King... Read More
0. Background: The Social and Cultural Context in Romans
by Jongseung Park on September 9th, 2024
The social and cultural context in which Paul wrote the Book of Romans around A.D. 57 is complex, shaped by both the Roman Empire and the early Christian movement. Understanding this context helps to clarify many of the themes Paul addresses. Dominance of the Roman Empire: Rome was the political and cultural center of the powerful Roman Empire, which spanned much of Europe, North Africa, and the ... Read More
28. John 11:28-44 Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead
March 29th, 2025
27. John 11:1-27 Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life
March 28th, 2025
26. John 10:22-42 Jesus, One with the Father
March 27th, 2025
25. John 10:1-21 Jesus, the Good Shepherd and the Door
March 26th, 2025
24. John 9:24-41 Jesus, the just judge of the world
March 25th, 2025
Reading Plan : The Gospel of John Reading Plan1. John 1:1-18-Jesus, the Word Made Flesh(The Incarnation)2. John 1:19-28 - John the Baptist: The Forerunner of Christ3. John 1:29-34 Jesus, the Lamb of God Who Takes Away Sin4. John 1:35-51 Jesus Calls His First Disciples5. John 2:1-12 Jesus Turns Water into Wine6. John 2:13-25 Jesus, the True Temple of God7. John 3:1-21 Jesus, the Giver of Eternal Life8. John 3:22-36 Believe in Jesus, Receive Eternal Life9. John 4:1-19 Jesus, the Giver of Living Water10. John 4:20-26 Jesus Teaches True Worship11. John 4:27-42 Jesus Calls Workers for the Harvest of Souls12. John 4:43-54 Jesus Heals an Official’s Son13. John 5:1-18 Jesus Heals at the Pool of Bethesda14. John 5:19-29 Jesus, the Son Who Shares the Father’s Authority15. John 5:30-47 Jesus, The Fulfillment of Scripture16. John 6:1-21 Jesus, the Prophet (Deuteronomy 18:15)17. John 6:22-59 Jesus, the Bread of Life (Exodus 16:4, 14-15)18. John 6:41-71 Jesus, the Source of Eternal Life19. John 7:1-24 Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles20. John 7:25-52 Jesus, the Messiah rejected by the World21. John 8:1-30 Jesus, the Light of the World22. John 8:31-59 Jesus Declares Freedom23. John 9:1-23 Jesus Heals the Man Born Blind24. John 9:24-41 Jesus, the just judge of the world25. John 10:1-21 Jesus, the Good Shepherd and the Door26. John 10:22-42 Jesus, One with the Father27. John 11:1-27 Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life28. John 11:28-44 Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead
Day 5: February 1Day 6: February 2Day 7: February 3Day 8: February 4Day 9: February 5Day 10: February 6Day 11: February 7Day 12: February 8Day 13: February 9Day 14: February 10Day 15: February 11Day 16: February 12Day 17: February 13Day 18: February 14Day 19: February 15Day 20: February 16Day 21: February 17Day 22: February 18Day 23: February 19Day 24: February 20Day 25: February 21Day 26: February 22Day 27: February 23Day 28: February 24Day 29: February 25Day 30: February 26Day 31: February 27Day 32: February 28Day 33: February 29
Day 34: March 1Day 35: March 2Day 36: March 3Day 37: March 4Day 38: March 5Day 39: March 6Day 40: March 7Day 41: March 8Day 43: March 10Day 44: March 11Day 45: March 12Day 46: March 13Day 47: March 14Day 48: March 15Day 49: March 16Day 50: March 17Day 51: March 18Day 52: March 19Day 53: March 20Day 54: March 21Day 55: March 22Day 57: March 24Day 58: March 25Day 59: March 26Day 60: March 27Day 61: March 28Day 62: March 29Day 63: March 30Day 64: March 31
0. Background: The Social and Cultural Context in Romans1. Romans 1:1-7 - Introduction and the Gospel2. Romans 1:8-17 - Paul’s Thanksgiving and The Power of the Gospel. The righteous shall live by faith? - Roman 1:17 3: Romans 1:18-23 - The Revelation of God’s Wrath and Human IdolatryUnderstanding the Indictment of Homosexual Conduct in Romans 1:24-284. Romans 1:24-32 - Human Sin and Degradation 5. Romans 2:1-11 - God’s Impartial Judgment