Introduction : Paul's letter to the Romans

Paul's letter to the Romans

Learn, Live, Share the Gospel

 Over the next three months we are going on a journey through Paul’s Letter to the Romans; a letter widely considered to be the most important and most influential of all the NT documents. The Book of Romans is a profound and pivotal text that illuminates the intersection of God's identity and His mission through humanity. It reveals God's dynamic mission to build a loving community through His image bearers.

The title for this series is our church mission statement; Our Mission is to Learn, Live and Share the Good News of Jesus. There is no better NT document to turn to than Romans to learn what this good news is, how this good news transforms the way we live, and why this good news creates in us a sense of urgency to share it.

Paul wrote to prepare for his visit to Rome, encourage the believers, request support for his mission to Spain, and seek prayer for his trip to Jerusalem, but his primary purpose was to explain and defend the gospel of Jesus' incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection, clarifying that both Jews and Gentiles are equally in need of salvation and accepted by God on the basis of faith alone, not the Mosaic Law; his letter highlights key themes such as God's faithfulness, righteousness, and the call for unity, aiming to resolve tensions between returning Jewish Christians and the Gentile majority.

In this reading plan, we will strive to provide insights into the historical, cultural, and theological contexts that influenced Paul's letter, helping you understand the depth and relevance of Romans for today’s believers. By appreciating both the divine revelations and the human contexts, you will gain a deeper appreciation for Romans’ timeless message of unity, faith, and divine promise.

Highlights and overview
  • Key themes include the insufficiency of the law, the relationship between sin and death, and the transformative role of the Holy Spirit.
  • Paul greets diverse members of the Roman church, reinforcing inclusivity. 
  • Paul is unashamed of the gospel, which is God's power for salvation.
  • The righteousness of God is revealed through faith in the gospel.
  • God's righteousness, demonstrated in the gospel, brings both salvation and universal wrath against unrighteousness.
  • All humanity, both Jews and Gentiles, are under sin and thus subject to God's judgment.
  • Faithfulness of God is the foundation for human faithfulness and righteousness.
  • The law is inadequate for justification; instead, God's righteousness comes through faith in Jesus Christ.
  • The solution for salvation is through God's grace, accepted by faith.
  • Justification is achieved by faith, independent of works.
  • Justification by faith brings peace and hope, transforming suffering into endurance, character, and hope through God's love.
  • Sanctification emphasizes living a transformed life following justification. The Holy Spirit plays a key role in the transformative process.
  • Paul's conclusion has a focus on the 'obedience of faith,' which urges unity in remembrance of God's promises.

1 Comment

Anne Vaughn - September 16th, 2024 at 2:14pm

Thank you Jongseung! I am so happy for that the finished work of Jesus makes me righteous. I am thankful I can always depend on His faithfulness and that I am being made more faithful everyday as I trust and obey Him.






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