Paul’s Letter to the Romans Reading Plan

Paul’s Letter to the Romans
Reading Plan

1. Learn: Understanding the Gospel (Chapters 1-3) : The Challenge and Threat of God’s Righteousness
  •  1: Romans 1:1-7 - Introduction and the Gospel
  •  2: Romans 1:8-17 - Paul’s Thanksgiving and The Power of the Gospel. 
  •  3: Romans 1:18-23 - The Revelation of God’s Wrath and Human Idolatry
  •  4: Romans 1:24-32 - Human Sin and Degradation
  •  5: Romans 2:1-11 - God’s Justice and Judgment
  •  6: Romans 2:12-29 - The Role of the Law and Israel’s Situation
  •  7: Romans 3:1-8 - The Law and God’s Faithfulness
  •  8: Romans 3:9-20 - All Under Sin
  •  9: Romans 3:21-31 - Righteousness Through Faith and the Law’s Role

2. Live: Applying Faith and the Work of the Spirit (Chapters 4-8)
  •  10: Romans 4:1-8 - Abraham’s Faith and Justification
  •  11: Romans 4:9-17 - The Righteousness of Faith and Abraham’s Faith
  •  12: Romans 4:18-25 - Abraham’s Faith and God’s Promise
  •  13: Romans 5:1-5 - Peace and Hope Through Faith
  •  14: Romans 5:6-11 - The Assurance of Salvation Through Christ’s Death
  •  15: Romans 5:12-17 - The Role of Adam and Christ
  •  16: Romans 5:18-21 - The Contrast of Sin and Grace
  •  17: Romans 6:1-14 - Death to Sin and New Life
  •  18: Romans 6:15-23 - The Results of Sin and the Fruit of Righteousness
  •  19: Romans 7:1-6 - The Law and Relationship with Christ
  •  20: Romans 7:7-13 - The Law and Sin
  •  21: Romans 7:14-25 - The Struggle Between Sin and Righteousness
  •  22: Romans 8:1-11 - The Work of the Spirit and Christian Freedom
  •  23: Romans 8:12-17 - The Leading of the Spirit and Adoption as Children
  •  24: Romans 8:18-27 - Present Suffering and Future Glory
  •  25: Romans 8:28-30 - God’s Foreknowledge and Calling
  •  26: Romans 8:31-39 - God’s Love and the Christian’s Victory

3. Share: Engaging with the Community and the World (Chapters 9-16)

  •  27: Romans 9:1-13 - God’s Sovereignty and Israel’s Choice
  •  28: Romans 9:14-29 - God’s Justice and Mercy
  •  29: Romans 9:30-33 - The Way of Faith and Israel’s Failure
  •  30: Romans 10:1-13 - The Way of Faith and Salvation
  •  31: Romans 10:14-21 - Evangelism and Israel’s Response
  •  32: Romans 11:1-10 - The Remnant of Israel
  •  33: Romans 11:11-24 - Israel’s Unbelief and the Salvation of the Gentiles
  •  34: Romans 11:25-32 - The Restoration of Israel and God’s Plan
  •  35: Romans 11:33-36 - God’s Wisdom and Glory
  •  36: Romans 12:1-8 - Christian Dedication and Gifts
  •  37: Romans 12:9-21 - The Ethics of Love and Character
  •  38: Romans 13:1-7 - Government and Christian Responsibility
  •  39: Romans 13:8-14 - The Law of Love and Christian Conduct
  •  40: Romans 14:1-12 - Faith Freedom and Community
  •  41: Romans 14:13-23 - Living Considerately
  •  42: Romans 15:1-7 - Living with Mutual Acceptance
  •  43: Romans 15:8-13 - Christ’s Mission and the Salvation of the Gentiles
  •  44: Romans 15:14-21 - Paul’s Mission and Plans
  •  45: Romans 15:22-33 - Paul’s Travel Plans and Prayer Requests
  •  46: Romans 16:1-16 - Personal Greetings and Recommendations
  •  47: Romans 16:17-20 - Warnings and Exhortations
  •  48: Romans 16:21-27 - Final Greetings and Benediction

1 Comment

Tara - September 16th, 2024 at 10:14am

Thank you for sharing the reading plan! I’m looking forward to how Pastor Randy, guided by the Holy Spirit, will help us deepen our understanding of God’s Word through this study of Romans. Let’s continue to pray for wisdom and spiritual growth as we walk through this together.






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